Best Ways to Correct Teeth Spacing in Adults
Not everyone gets the distinguished honor of crossing through their teen years with braces. Those who don't end up with spacing between their adult teeth can make them feel self-conscious. Myers Orthodontics is an orthodontist in Fountain City, TN. They have been helping adults find solutions to fix the spacing of their teeth for many years. They can help you too, if you give them a call.
Braces: Bar None, Best Method for Spacing Teeth
The thing about braces is that they can easily manipulate and push your adult teeth into positions that no other method of dental correction can. Metal brackets with orthodontic wire force your teeth to relearn their positions, thereby narrowing gaps and aligning your teeth perfectly. Any Bearden orthodontist could do this, but you should trust your teeth to Myers Orthodontics.
How Your Orthodontist in Fountain City, TN Fixes Spacing
If teeth are too crowded, the orthodontist decides whether to use a palate spacer or expander or to remove teeth. A palate spacer/expander is better because it helps widen a jaw through pressure. It can create room in your mouth that didn't exist before.
Pulling teeth isn't the best option. However, if a patient has a lot of really large, very crowded teeth in very small jaws, teeth are pulled to make room. Then braces are used to move other teeth into the positions of the pulled teeth. Usually, molars are pulled to help with this process and avoid strange gaps in one's smile.
If there's too much space, that's advantageous. Then the Bearden orthodontist working on your teeth just uses the braces to move teeth into position and close the gaps. No palate expander is needed, and no pulling teeth when there is already a lot of space to start.
Dental Bonding Is Also an Option
If the spaces in question aren't affecting how the rest of the teeth are spaced, it may be possible to use dental bonding to close the spaces. For example, if there's a space between the two upper front teeth, dental bonding on the two front teeth reshapes these teeth and has them meet each other in the middle. The result is two very nice-looking and well-shaped teeth with bonded resin on them to make them look like they have always been that way.
Get Your Spaces Corrected Now
If you are ready to eliminate the smile that makes you uncomfortable and trade it for one that makes you feel amazing, contact Myers Orthodontic for an appointment.