How to Make Retainers More Comfortable
After your visit to your children's orthodontist in Bearden, you may find that your child doesn't like wearing a retainer. It's common because teeth can be stubborn and want to shift around. The purpose of the retainer is to force the teeth to stay where the former braces put them. Myers Orthodontics understands that this transitional period isn't easy and offers some excellent solutions on how to make retainers more comfortable.
Apply Topical Oral Numbing Agents
If your child finds that the retainers are rubbing on gum tissue, you can use an over-the-counter teething medicine to help. Apply with a cotton swab to the areas where the retainers are rubbing the most and then reinsert the retainer. If there is still irritation, or the irritation is worse or causing a medical problem, visit your Fountain City, TN orthodontist at Myers Orthodontics.
Offer Pain Relief Medicine
Most orthodontists recommend a child-safe pain reliever if the retainers are causing tooth and jaw pain. Tooth and jaw pain may result when the teeth try to shift out of place but are met with the resistance of the retainers. The retainers should continue to be worn while the pain medicine can help ease this discomfort.
Wear the Retainers Consistently
The number one reason your children's orthodontist in Bearden would tell you to consistently wear retainers is to avoid ongoing discomfort. If your child constantly wears retainers as prescribed by your orthodontist, the pain and discomfort subside. The teeth will not resist the retainers as much.
On the other hand, if your child doesn't wear the retainers as prescribed and only wears them a few times a week, more discomfort will follow. The child's teeth will begin shifting out of place, making it very difficult for the retainers to do their job. Eventually, you will have to pay to have a brand-new retainer (or set of retainers) made to fit the teeth that have shifted out of place.
As Your Child Grows, Get Fitted for a New Retainer
As children grow, their head, face, and mouth change shape and size. It's important to follow your child's treatment plan and go to the appointment at the Fountain City, TN orthodontist for a new retainer fitting. New pictures and scans are taken to create a new retainer to fit your child's changing mouth, thus making the new retainer(s) a little more comfortable than the old one(s).
Call Myers Orthodontics today for a retainer fitting and learn what else can be done to make this transitional period more comfortable for your child.