New Year's Resolutions for a Healthier Smile
Going into 2018, you may have already started thinking about some of your New Year's resolutions. Maybe you want to save money, buy a new car, or get in shape. At Myers Orthodontics, we encourage you to consider another New Year's resolution with long-term impact—taking care of your smile! After all, most potential oral health issues are 100% preventable with a little extra care and maintenance. Check out our tips below to learn more about our New Year's Resolutions for a healthier smile!
Take Your Brushing & Flossing Up a Notch
If you've been slacking when it comes to your oral hygiene, promise yourself that you'll step up your game in 2018. When you do an excellent job of brushing your teeth after meals and flossing before bedtime every single day, you can protect your mouth from tooth decay and gum disease.
Eat Healthier
If you're like many people, you may not be eating as well as you should be. When you consistently eat poorly, your teeth and gums suffer because they aren't getting all the vitamins and minerals they need to stay healthy and strong. Consider finding a friend who also wants to eat better so the two of you can work together on improving your diet. Your teeth will thank you!
Drink All of the Water!
If you're in the habit of grabbing a soda or orange juice whenever you're thirsty, you're not doing your teeth any favors by constantly bathing them in cavity-causing sugar and acid. Instead, start drinking water every time you're thirsty to keep yourself hydrated and to avoid problems with your teeth. Plus, you'll save those otherwise empty calories, which can help you accomplish other New Year's resolutions on your list! It's fine to enjoy a soda or juice now and then, as long as you rinse your mouth out with water afterward to flush away the sugar and acid.
Check to see When Your Last Dental Visit Was
Regular dental visits are key to keeping your smile healthy. Look back through your records to see when your last dental visit was. If it was was longer than six months ago, give your dentist a call to set up an appointment. Focus on making 2018 the year you begin keeping better track of your dental appointments.
Visit Your Wilmington Periodontist in 2018!
If you have a problem that a periodontist can help you with like missing teeth or bleeding gums, promise yourself that you'll set up a visit with our periodontist for an examination. Dr. Myers offers a wide range of orthodontic treatments and services to help you improve your oral health. To schedule an appointment, please contact us or give us a call. We have two conveniently located offices in Bearden and Fountain City, and we look forward to helping you keep all of your New Year's resolutions for 2018!