Permanent Retainers: Expectations vs. Reality

Posted on 08/13/2024

Myers Orthodontics is the leading choice for a Fountain City orthodontist. We offer treatments designed for the whole family, including both adults and children. To make things easier, we even let you fill out your patient forms before your first or next appointment. One treatment that is popular around Knoxville is a permanent retainer. Learn about the expectations you might have before your appointment and what actually happens.

CTA: Discover Retention Benefits

What is a Permanent Retainer?

A permanent retainer gets its name because it's attached to your teeth. This is unlike a removable retainer that you can take out. If you had braces in the past, your orthodontist will often recommend a permanent retainer because it keeps your teeth from shifting and ruining the hard work the braces did. Patients enjoy many benefits of permanent retainers, including that they are resistant to damage and won't change the way they speak. You might still worry about what to expect, but we'll go over the reality of permanent retainers.

They Won't Affect Your Speech

Some of the patients who come to us for adult treatment worry that permanent retainers will negatively impact their speech. The reality is that they have little to no impact on human speech. People can clearly hear you right after your family orthodontist Knoxville appointment and long after.

People Will See It

Patients occasionally worry about wearing permanent retainers because they think that others will see and know they're wearing them. While it's easy to spot a removable retainer, it's not as easy to spot a permanent one. The orthodontist applies it to the back of your teeth, putting it out of sight. In most cases, no one will know you wear a retainer unless you tell them.

You Need to Spend Time on Maintenance

If you avoid talking with an orthodontist about how a permanent retainer can help with common dental problems because you think it will require a lot of maintenance, think again. A floss threader is similar to dental floss and gives you an easy way to remove food and other particles trapped between your teeth. Waterpik works equally well on debris and can remove particles even faster. They're also safe enough for daily use. You may need to make a few simple changes to your diet though, such as sticking to soft foods and avoiding sticky or hard foods that can damage the retainer. Our Fountain City family orthodontist will provide you with even more tips on taking care of your new permanent retainer.

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Bring Your Expectations to Us

Bring the expectations you have about permanent retainers to us and learn about the reality of wearing one daily. Visit Myers Orthodontics or use our website to schedule an appointment with our family orthodontist Knoxville office for a permanent retainer.