When Are Extractions Necessary With Overcrowded Teeth?
If you are suffering from your teeth taking up too much space in your mouth, you might also be wondering if there is any way that you can solve the problem by having them removed. While this might be the case in some instances, there are several reasons why the Fountain City family orthodontist may require that some be extracted.
Avoid Decay
If your teeth are too close together, it can be quite challenging to brush and floss them properly. This lack of adequate care will eventually cause tooth decay and, in some cases, make it very difficult to perform the necessary adult orthodontics in Knoxville to straighten your teeth.
Proper Alignment
When the mouth is too crowded with teeth, it will be very difficult to achieve proper alignment. The reason for this is that there simply is not enough room with which to work. By engaging in tooth extractions, the Fountain City family orthodontist will be able to move your teeth into their proper alignment. This not only boosts your self-confidence but enhances your smile as well.
Orthodontic Preparation
If the orthodontist has determined that you need braces or some other type of adult orthodontics in Knoxville, then they very well may want to extract teeth that they feel are in the way and can interfere with the hardware that they recommend that you wear.
Avoid Impacted Wisdom Teeth
As an adult, you will have wisdom teeth that try to make their way to the surface. However, they can also be prevented from entering the mouth by the presence of teeth that are too overcrowded. To ensure that these wisdom teeth do not become impacted, the orthodontist will suggest that the teeth that are in the way be extracted.
The Extraction Process
No matter what the reason is for your tooth extraction, it is a fairly simple procedure. The doctor will start by applying a local anesthetic to the appropriate area. After the medication has taken effect and you can no longer feel anything near the tooth, they will use special tools to loosen the tooth. There may be a need to make a small incision in the gum to ensure proper removal, but this, too, is painless.
After the tooth is sufficiently loosened, they will gently remove it from its socket. Medical gauze is used to quickly soak up any blood that might flow from the area. This sums up the entire procedure. Most people feel no pain afterward, but the doctor will generally instruct you to take an over-the-counter pain medication if you do feel soreness.
If you have teeth that are too crowded in your mouth, please contact the staff at Myers Orthodontics in either Knoxville or Fountain City, and they will make an appointment and a consultation with you.