When's The Best Time for Your Child's First Orthodontic Visit?
You probably already know that a child's first dentist visit is when they are an older toddler, but what about their first orthodontic visit? That's hardly common knowledge, given that a lot of parents don't consider orthodontic treatment unless there's an obvious problem. At Myers Orthodontics, a leading orthodontist in Fountain City, TN, we know when your child should first come to see us and why.
When Your Child Begins Losing Baby Teeth
Orthodontic treatments are starting much younger than the teen years now. That is because orthodontists have discovered that treating potential orthodontic issues sooner yields much better results. Your child may go through a round of braces as a pre-teen and again as a teen.
That said, your child's first orthodontic visit should occur around age seven or eight. It's at this point that children begin losing baby teeth and gaining adult teeth. Before their faces have grown and their jaws have gotten big enough for adult teeth, there may already be signs of future problems. Having a kids' orthodontist in Bearden take a closer look doesn't hurt.
What the Orthodontist Can Spot on an X-Ray
One of the first things an orthodontist will do at your child's very first orthodontic visit is take X-rays. This will show the incoming adult teeth erupting or waiting to erupt. Judging by the size of these adult teeth visible in the X-rays, an orthodontist can tell if your child will need braces soon.
Recommended Course of Treatment
Additionally, at an initial orthodontic treatment for seven- to nine-year-olds, the orthodontist will let you know how soon your child should get braces. A treatment plan may be drawn up to discuss at a future appointment. Conversely, some children may not show any signs of needing braces at all just yet. If that's the case, the orthodontist will let you know that you can check back as your child heads into the teen years.
Other Factors to Consider
Another factor to consider when you want to know when your child should see an orthodontist for the first time is their behavior. Can he or she sit still in a dental chair for a long time? Can your child be calm and not really anxious in the exam chair? How well does your child follow instructions?
Sometimes it's less about age and more about maturity and responsibility. If your child doesn't brush his or her teeth often enough now, braces may not work because oral hygiene is poor already. If and when your child shows signs of taking care of his or her own oral hygiene, that may be the right time for an orthodontic appointment with an orthodontist in Fountain City, TN.
Schedule Your Child's Initial Orthodontic Appointment with Myers Orthodontics
Orthodontics is booking appointments several months out. If your child is of the right age and maturity, and/or you see some trouble with your child's teeth, make an appointment with a kids' orthodontist in Bearden. We'd be happy to take a look.